the estate

Cultivation & Processing

The heart of the Barba Estate and winery are the vineyards, spread over 68 hectares in one of the most vocated areas of the district: Colle Morino, Casal Thaulero and Vignafranca, all belonging to the Montepulciano and Trebbiano d'Abruzzo D.O.C (registered designation of origin) and Colline
Teramane D.O.C.G (controlled and guaranteed designation of origin) areas.

This is where our wines are born, thanks to the careful care of the vineyards perfected over forty years of viticulture.
Between the end of September and the second ten days of October, our Montepulciano and Trebbiano grapes are ready to be harvested.

The grape harvest

The harvest represents the synthesis of the work carried out in the vineyards during the year: in particular, the rigorous pruning carried out at the end of the winter, the stripping and subsequent thinning of the bunches during the thirty days preceding the harvest, give a result in line with the highest quality goals.

Goals shared with Dr. Stefano Chioccioli, internationally renowned winemaker, to whom we have entrusted the technical-agronomic management. Only the best, undamaged bunches, gathered in boxes, will be destined for vinification. The fermentation period, fundamental for extracting from the grapes the sweet and fruity components that determine the wine's pleasantness, lasts about ten days; in the case of the reds, the must remains in maceration for a longer or shorter time, depending on the type of product.

The winery

All this happens in the Barba winery, located in Scerne di Pineto, at the foot of Colle Morino. Built in 1991, it has a total capacity exceeding the company's production potential (around 9,000 Hl) and makes use of the most advanced technology: the recently redesigned grape entry line has been renewed in every part.

The must temperature control system allows fermentation to take place smoothly, enhancing the aromas; the stainless steel fermenter batteries and the truncated conical oak vats complete the vinification cycle. Large temperature-controlled rooms are reserved for the ageing of the wines and the storage of the bottles
wine shop vini barba scerne di pineto teramo abruzzo

the territory

The Abruzzo value

Rightly defined as the 'Green Region of Europe', Abruzzo is best known for its coastline, lakes and mountains. However, the most attentive travellers will not miss the beauty of its hills, located between the
foothills and the coast, which slope down on the sides of more or less wide river valleys. It is precisely on the hilly ridges of the Vomano river, between the Teramo municipalities of Cellino Attanasio, Atri, Pineto and Roseto, that the Barba farm is located. The summer offers long sunny days alternated with cool nights, the winter is mitigated by the influence of the nearby Adriatic Sea, with an average annual temperature of 12-16°C, as well as good rainfall and ventilation.
Equally peculiar is the soil of the Vomano alluvial plain, characterised by Plio-Pleistocene deposits that, between the end of the Tertiary and the beginning of the Quaternary, filled the Periadriatic basin through a marine sedimentary cycle. The result was an undulating landscape with broad, almost flat rises and rounded slopes, often interrupted by steep slopes due to erosion, the gullies. The soil thus created has an arenaceous-clayey structure, with varying thickness depending on slope and exposure, and a medium-low water retention.


On the Barba Estate there is also a large dairy cow breeding farm that is inspired by the principles of the Stalla Etica®, i.e. breeding the animals with the full right to lead a life as similar as they would in nature.

The cows can freely access large outdoor areas, rest on a large surface of over 20 m 2 per animal of soft compost and have spontaneous and unrestricted access to the milking robots. They are all guaranteed healthy and plentiful food, water to drink, shelter from the elements, showers and fans for the summer and veterinary care when needed.

A circular economy is practised on the Tenuta Barba farm because the animals are served food that to a large extent is not suitable for human consumption, and the manure is used in the fields to feed the plants so that the use of chemical fertilisers is reduced to an absolute minimum.

Photovoltaic energy production

Since 2007, we have been producing renewable energy from photovoltaic systems, a sustainable choice in line with the times and environmentally friendly.
The aim is to reduce the use of fossil fuels that release large amounts of CO2 into the air.
Today, our photovoltaic fields extend over about 6 hectares of land and cover the roofs of our wine and livestock farms, providing us with clean energy for our activities.

The Agrimare farm holiday centre

The Agrimare Barba agritourism was born out of the need to enhance the territory and rural realities present on the farm. It is located in front of the farm winery, among the vineyards of Scerne di Pineto, 500 metres from the Adriatic Sea.
Società Agricola Fratelli Barba srl Iscritta al Registro delle imprese di Teramo al n. 57779
P.Iva: 00283640670
Web site made by Interno 306
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